Maria Papa Rica

by JG Desgin

Food & Drink


Maria Papa Rica® was born in 2013 for you who enjoy simple, typical Portuguese food, healthy and with fresh ingredients!Because we know that the mealtime is sacred, and there is more to worry about, we have this responsibility.Maria Papa Rica® is more than a brand, a friend, one who knows exactly what she wants, and who cooks the way she likes. Bringing always, a variety of dishes, confectioned with all the love, thought only and only, in the client so that this does not have to cook.With Maria Papa Rica® you no longer have to prepare lunch the next day and eat hot food at work, or suffer from the old dilemma, what am I going to do for dinner?Every day Maria cooks and delivers her warm meal and ready to eat wherever she wants, at home, at work, at school, at the beach, etc ...Everything to help you have the most quiet meal time, tasty, healthy and balanced!